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Home Ownership

An Overview

Homeownership with Habitat for Humanity offers families in need the opportunity to achieve stability and self-reliance through affordable housing solutions. Partner families work alongside volunteers to build or renovate their homes, investing "sweat equity" into the process. With affordable mortgage options and financial education, Habitat equips homeowners with the tools and resources needed to succeed. Beyond providing a physical dwelling, Habitat fosters a sense of pride, belonging, and community, empowering families to build brighter futures for themselves and their children.


  1. Need for Housing: Applicants must demonstrate a need for adequate housing, which could include living in substandard or overcrowded conditions, paying a high percentage of income on rent, or experiencing homelessness.

  2. Willingness to Partner: Prospective homeowners are required to contribute "sweat equity" by volunteering a certain number of hours toward building their home or others in the community. This demonstrates commitment to the Habitat for Humanity mission and helps foster a sense of ownership.

  3. Citizenship or Legal Residency: Habitat for Humanity of Mason County requires applicants to be legal residents of Mason County for at least 1 year.

Step by Step Process for Families

1. Family Selection Application Form is made available to applicant (via-email, mail or available on-line).

2. Applications come in during out "Open Application period" via e-mail, in-person, through internet or telephone.

3. Completed Application Form is submitted to Habitat Office, background check is completed and scored, Background check denial or Acknowledgement Letter Sent

4. The Selection Committee determines two dates to hold Orientation, RSVP for Orientation letter is sent. Names added to "family list".

5. Phone call from Committee asking if Applicants need any support.

6. Orientation is held, financial documents reviewed, and income is checked, Congratulations and request to obtain preapproval through Homesight or denial letter sent. Family list updated.

7. List of applicants instructed to obtain a mortgage pre-approval sent to Brooke Gibson with Homesight.

8. Mortgage preapproval is obtained by applicant who works directly with Homesight to recieve pre-approval letter for mortgage and submites it to Habitat office.

9. Applicants family list is updated with information submitted by applicant including background check info and family # is assigned.

10. Pre-approval letter is received by Habitat Office; family list updated.

11. In-person interviews are schedule for all committee members to meet and screen applicants (approximately 20 minutes per applicant) A debrief is conducted by committee members after interviews and home visits are assigned, two committee members must attend each visit.

12. Family List is updated to include information obtained during interviews.

13. Home visits are scheduled and conducted with applicants; a checklist is completed by committee members.

14. Family List isupdated to include home visit was completed. "End of the line" letter sent to those not chosen.

15. Family selection Committee meets to determine order families to submit to the Habitat Board of Directors for approval.

16. The Habitat Board of Directors is presented with a summary of the recommended applicants.

17. The selected family is notified of  their approval (phone call & Congratulations Letter) contingent on the final loan approval (credit is rechecfked) and the location of the next avalible home is offered, family accepts or rejects the location, (they are only allowed to decline one house).

18. Meeting scheduled with the Executive Director, Program Manager, and Family Support person to go over and sign letter of Agreement

19. Sweat equity is started and completed before family can move in.

20. House is avalible, loan is funded.

Alternatively, you can stop in at either one of our store locations for a physical application!

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